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Vineyards in Bloom: How Vineyards Come to Life in the Spring Season

Dark grapes on grape vines, ready to be picked
Field of crops
A farmer trimming grapevine leaves
Vineyard with flowers blossoming on the grapevines
Flowering Vines

The soft buds and shoots on the grapevines will begin to bloom and flower at the onset of the spring season, appearing as tiny green buds with delicate white pollen receptors. Named after the Greek god Hermaphroditus, the child of Aphrodite and Hermes, grape flowers are hermaphroditic, meaning they possess both male and female parts and can transform into berries entirely independently.

Winegrowers must pay close attention to the vineyard’s humidity and temperatures during flowering, as any slight variation in weather conditions can damage the grape flowers and have a devastating impact on the quality and quantity of the harvest.

Close up of a bee landing on blossom

Though grape flowers are botanically capable of self-pollination, bees and other pollinators are still critical to the winegrowing process. The plants that grow around vines, such as cover crops, are crucial for maintaining a healthy vine environment and do need bees to pollinate them. These surrounding crops are essential to maintaining nitrogen levels in the vineyard, increasing the organic content in the soil, improving the soil’s water retention capacity, and so much more.

Winegrowers must maintain a strict balance between the needs of the grapes and the needs of the bees and other pollinators. One significant way that winegrowers protect pollinators in the vineyard is by abstaining from the use of any harmful pesticides or other chemicals that can cause harm to essential vineyard insects.

group of women cheersing glasses of wine
Grapes being harvested to create Aphrodise